Hello! We are a brand new guild, with old time players. We have 14 years of experience in game and have raided every tier of content that blizzard has released. We are currently recruiting all specs/classes with an emphasis on
Warrior/Druid Tank
Resto Shaman (and other healers)
All DPS!
Of course, ALL exceptional players are welcome! Doesnt matter spec/class/level!
Raid Times are TBD as we want to work around everyones schedule once we get a core group formed for raids.
Focusing on getting a core 10man group together for karazhan farming to gear for SSC/TK and grow our ranks as the expansion goes on.
Come lay waste to the enemies in Outland with us!
Contact in game : Fxrm(BNET : Carnivvl#1780) or Liquîd for more info or a guild invite!
I will also be checking here often so feel free to post!