A Warning: Stuff N Things

While I don’t normally go out of my way to shame guilds or players. I want to first off say there are several lovely players in this guild and whom I would have enjoyed continuing to play with. However, my warning comes to those seeking a PvE guild here on Kirin’Tor.

I come from Moon Guard, and I pugged into this group late night week one of Battle for Dazar’alor into Heroic Opulence, and shortly after we killed the boss I was asked to join their guild. In fact folks were quite instant that I applied as I wasn’t deemed a “Chimp/Chump” (even though I had died to no Hex removal during the Gauntlet).

At the time I thought it was funny, the group seemed rather nice, and I enjoyed chatting with them.

The problem stems from having a different opinion. It appears a Guild mate of mine had PuGed into their group a few weeks back and were apart of their Discord - however some background drama had arisen between her and one of their members.

I simply suggested that it was not our business to get involved and that I knew the lady to be quite nice from what I know of her and I was told to shut up and that it was “His Guild” ( Kencaz the GM) and he can talk about whatever he wants. I did’t put up a fuss, and was quiet. Then suddenly without warning removed from all platforms of contact.

While I do not personally take offense to this, this is not a promising sign of good leadership if they intend to grow as a group.

I repeat my first statement that there are lovely people in this guild I would have liked to stay in contact with. However for folks looking to this guild as a place to find home, I hope that you have the same sense of attitude as them if you desire to not be called “Chumps/Chimps” or randomly removed without warning.

Best wishes to you all.


That’s awful. Sorry that happened to you! If you’re looking for a guild, I just started Cauldron. It’s new, fun, and hopefully will become an in-game family. Pm me if you’re interested. Im Brinnablaine#1797