[A] Warlock/Druid 3/12M LF Progression Raiding


Former hardcore raider, floated through AOTC guilds with friends for the better part of Legion/BFA. Kids are older now, trying to break in to a raid spot in a mature progression guild.

Main Characters ready for raiding:
Warlock - Ðestruction (destro) 82 Neck/469 Equipped - Only 604 io score, working on it.
Druid - Ðuality (Boom) 79 Neck/469 Equipped - only 1k io, missing 2 dungeons still. Been focusing on the lock for the last month.

Alt 0208 for the Ð. Prefer to raid on the Warlock but honestly capable and willing and ready to raid on either. Realm transfer is no problem, willing to transfer back to Horde if necessary for the right fit.

My availability starts any day after 9:30PM EST/6:30 PST. Due to work I can’t reliably be on earlier than that.

Currently 3/12 Mythic Ny’Alotha with experience and progression pulls on Vexiona, Shadhar and Xanesh.

Previous Raiding Experience:

Ny’Alotha - 3/12M
Uldir - 8/8H
BoD - 8/8H
EP - 8/8H

Emerald Nightmare - 7/7H
Nighthold - 10/10H
ToS - 9/9H
Antorus - 5/11 Mythic. (Cross realm team, didn’t last long)

Skipped WoD - didn’t like it.

MSV - 6/6H
HoF - 6/6H
ToES - 4/4
Throne - 10/12H (Guild stalled on Lei Shen)
SoO - 14/14 Mythic.

BWD - 6/6H
BoT - 4/5H (couldn’t get Sinestra before Firelands)
ToFW - 2/2H
Firelands - 7/7H
Dragonsoul - 8/8H

Naxx - 15/15 (10 + 25)
EoE - 1/1
Ulduar - 14/14 (10 + 25, all hard modes)
ToGC - 5/5H (10 + 25
ICC - 12/12H (10 + 25)

Please feel free to contact me in game or in discord.

B-Tag: Dvs#1702
Discord: Icon#6850

About Us:
We came to Sargeras during last tier from Horde-Illidan after classic rocked our roster pretty hard. We have been together since Antorus and are lookin to fill a few more roster spots. Our goals are to push CE in Ny’alotha and every tier/xpac after! We like to joke around during raid for the most part, but when it comes to prog and workin on bosses we know how to get a bit more serious.

Tuesday: 9pm-12am PST Wednesday: 9pm-12am PST Thursday: 9pm-12am PST

What We’re Seeking:
We are looking for raiders that show up on time and ready more than anything else; additionally, we want raiders that carry a good attitude during progression and learn from their mistakes. Activity outside of raid nights is also something we like to see.

Current Progression:
8/12M (Ra-Den 3%)

Our Goals:
Our goals for this tier is to achieve Cutting Edge, the goals after this tier would be constant improvement with the hopes of achieving Hall of Fame for alliance side in the future.

Current Class Needs:
-Fire Mage
-Disc/Holy Priest
-Resto Shaman
-Any exceptional melee DPS

If your class is not listed it does not mean we are uninterested, those are just our current largest needs. We are always recruiting players that play their class well for every spec/role. Plz add one of our contacts listed below to see if you’d still fit our roster!

To Apply:
docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScilRmtMU-k33ifJQ41n95IDePgTXXwTgLEUyraglI5IUI34Q/viewform
(Remove spaces)

Points of Contact:
-Buschh#1254 (Recruitment Officer)
-Glowcat#1759 (Recruitment Officer)
-Chugs#11757 (GM)

Thank you for your post, that is just a touch late for me.

Hey mate!

We’re on the market for another Warlock with immediate availability :smiley: Feel free to add me on Discord (Icetea#9130) or Bnet (Xumie#1849) to chat.

The Vortex @ [H] US - Thrall

The Vortex (formerly Vortex, Turalyon) is a guild that focuses on Mythic raiding, Mythic+ and other social in-game content! We have been on Turalyon since 2008, have weathered all the ups and downs WoW has thrown at us and we are still going strong! As we near the end of BfA we have made the move to Thrall to enjoy a more robust community and to continue progressing.
We aim for a 22-25 person roster with a 85% attendance requirement expected over our 2 day raid week. We are looking for players willing to join our family of raiders and progress with us throughout each expansion. If you are new to mythic, or stuck doing heroic pugs each week, please apply. We want your willingness to learn and grow as a player in a team environment.

Current Progression:
6/12M Ny’alotha (12/12H)
6/8M EP
9/9 BOD (CE)

Raid times:
Tuesday: 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST
Thursday: 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM EST
Goal: Push CE each tier as we’ve done in BfA and past expansions.
Needs: Focusing heavily on ranged DPS (Mage, Warlock, Hunter) but superior applicants are always welcome.

Seem interested? Toss an application in! :slight_smile:


Hello Ðestruction! You seem like you would be a good fit for my guild. Contact me with any questions you might have! Note we are flexible about what class you want to play, the ones listed are the ones were currently in a big need for.

Hello! [H] < HordeCore > Tichondrius is a Semi-Hardcore Heroic raiding guild. Once we clear Heroic, we will be moving onto Mythic Ny’alotha. We raid 3 days per week. In Ny’alotha, we’re 11/12H, 12/12N.

We Raid:
Friday - Normal Ny’alotha Alt Run or Heroic/Mythic EP
Saturday & Sunday - Heroic Ny’alotha
8:00-11:00 PST/Server
Invites go out 30 minutes prior to the start.
We have 1 break for 5 minutes at 9:30 Server, halfway through the raid time.

Our team is relaxed, we have fun, joking and laughing while we progress through the raid. Our goal is to get into Mythic this raid tier, (We will start after we clear heroic).

Our demographic is the early 20s to 30s.
Note, we are an 18+ guild.

What we’re looking for:
Tank: None
Healers: Resto Shaman
RANGED DPS: Fire Mage, Shadow Priest, and Boomy Druid

Heroic Minimum Raid Requirements:
Cloak Level - 12
Heart Level - 80
Item Level - 460
At least 45-50k sustained DPS

Other than Raiding, we push M+ weekly and PVP. Here is our weekly calendar.

Monday : Mythic+ Push Night (Opt)
Tuesday : Mythic + Push Night (Opt)
Wednesday : Alt Leveling Night (Opt)
Thursday : Warfront if up, otherwise free night (Opt)
Friday : Normal Alt Raid (Opt/Suggested for Trial Raiders)
Saturday : Heroic Raid (Required for Trial Raiders)
Sunday : Heroic Raid (Required for Trial Raiders)
If you are interested in joining, have any questions, or want to chat, here are the best ways to contact us.

If you want to join our discord channel, the code is below.


Recruitment and Discord Officer
Bnet - Maplemurlock#1956
Discord - Dawnslaÿer/Mùnk#0257

Guild Master
Bnet - Meatshield#11770
Discord - Beefy#2889

Raid Lead / Raid Officer
Bnet - Pfftweown#1238
Discord - pfftweown#7841

Hey there, we might be a good fit. We are however slightly behind on progression as we’re lacking the number for mythic atm.
Going to drop our recruitment post below, dont hesitate to contact me or any of our officers if you have any questions. Hope to hear from you!

@Yia - You guys are AOTC basically with the potential to dip in to mythic if you end up with a solid 20?