(a) Warlock and druid lf home

We are looking for a pvp oriented guild with casual raiding. We left Whitemane because horde are demolishing the server…

Find me in game, if i am not on reach out to Scrat or Martok.

We pretty much have our 40 man set but when putting together a wishlist the call was literally, 1xDruid, 1xLock, and 1 extra healer. If you are thinking resto druid you 2 might fill our wish list perfectly.

Hope to see you in game!

Kingdom guild has several members that like to pvp. We are a casual raiding guild clearing all content. We raid Thurs and Sat 8-11pm est. Pst Kaymus, Kruegerbeard, Tigerseye for more details. You would help to fill our raid, we are looking for about 8 more people.