A Vulpera in my group?

My fox skin business is going to be booming. :fox_face:


Stop! I’ll literally give you rabies



I will cuddle all the vulps I get in my groups. The female ones. The male ones have weird snoots that kinda drive me up a wall. Probably also because each one reminds me of the notorious male vulpera troll on these forums who shall not be named and that just kinda infuriates me. So uh, I’ll give you headpats? I guess? Lady vulps are cute though, they can come get panda hugs.

I guess my survival rate has increased too, I heard dwarf beards are very luxurious to use as comfortable inserts for beds.

I have much darker plans than the op. I’m going to introduce the void, forcibly if I must to you Vulpera.

Void Fox inc :smiling_imp:


They say the beard keeps growing even after death, so you just need a few dead dwarves buried under your bed where only the beard can grow through as to minimize the scent of rotting flesh and bones fermented in alcohol so that you can have a mattress that only gets fluffier the longer you have it.

This tidbit of information you wish you didn’t know brought to you by The Mal.
:eye: :lips: :eye:

Damn, that means I can make a living of the corpses of cozy dwarves.

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Is this based on the irl myth or do dwarves have magical beards? Cause if they have magical beards I’m ready to start making cages.

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My hypothesis is that a dwarf is technically the parasitic beard and the fleshy thing it is attached to is merely a stunted human host.

Does that answer your question? Probably not but because I said it it must certainly be true without a single shadow of falsehood.

So I just need to rip off their face, stick it on a troll, and we can finally have trolls with glorious beards?

perhaps or perhaps not. experimentation could solve this mystery. :face_with_monocle:

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Hugs are always welcome, but I feel bad for those left out just because of one bad apple

Does this mean that I need to rethink the whole “Free Bloodthistle Here” sign under a large cardboard box propped up precariously by a stick with a rope knotted around it that leads into some conspicuous bushes?

…I don’t even know what I want a blood elf for, honestly. Just seemed like a fun thing to collect.

When they let horde and alliance q together just vote kick and put reason “liked shadowlands” and boom they are probably gone.

This thread needs to cease. :laughing:

I love the little foxes. We can go on grand adventures together.

I’ll tank for you with my beard and we can try all of the exotic alcohols across Azeroth!

Fortunately, the only way to get an opposing faction in your party is if you invite them directly. They won’t get put into your groups automatically by the system.