A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Were they trying to take you out before the game?!


I got intel they were on our shard. We dropped 5 mans, assembled Voltron, mobilized, and swiftly eradicated all intruders at the gates of Org. We were nice and offered to let them regroup to face us again. They left. We resumed whupping butts in epics.



I guess yesterday was the preseason warmup. Today is for reals.


We ended up doing the same at Org then met in Tol Barad for a raid on raid match up. Super fun! Both sides did great and cant wait for next time!


Did you guys have any issues getting both raids into the Tol Barad battle?

Are people getting ready?

Don’t forget to stretch!


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We all pretty much ported in and stacked up. We didnt do the battle. It was more of a brawl in the woods. Before it got started there was a stand off of sorts then some rando bear druid(horde) charged in, got slayed and that popped it off. That part was hella funny. Other than a little bit of lag at the start things went fine. Kudos to the Ally team. They fought well.

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Legend says that’s how BFA began.

Sylvanas saw the rando bear go down, her BM instincts kicked in, and then:

For the Horde rando bear!


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Word on the street is that SPM has recruited RR to fight for em…rather underhanded in our opinion. We will fight regardless, but they are cheating before we start. RR is not SPM.

EW shame on spm considering everything that happened im rooting for which community is it SAS or whichever then .

They might have both grown recently but I don’t believe DJL or SPM would normally have a 40 man roster queued. I was wondering if it would be 40v40 or if people would be recruited from outside to fill empty spots. But I figured this would have been established before hand.

The restrictions in wargames are also quite different than a standard random, as far as items, abilities, and some in game mechanics.

If you’re talking about Deacon and his friends, Deacon has been playing with SPM since WOD. Several RR players have already been running with us

You’ve been doing plenty of recruiting since the wargames challenge dropped anyway


I think it’s normal to recruit a few friends if the war game team doesn’t have enough players.

Unless Mizriz is turning down SPM members who want to play in order to bring in a bunch of rando glads/r1s?

I’m offering my old nat pagle gold to some glads

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I’m sad that accusations of cheating have already begun.

War games are supposed to be friendly fun.

Not serious, tryhard, must-win competitions filled with intrigue and drama.

Disappointingly the wargame is 30v30.

I wanted to participate but group is full.

Isn’t 30v30 better for less lag in team fights?

(Also, it’s easier to fill the team and you don’t have to recruit as many outside people.)

Lag hasn’t been an issue all xpac except in IOC for some reason. Even in Ashran there’s very little lag in the first teamfight.


Hmm… Maybe it’s a computer or addon thing, but I’ve definitely had my fps massively drop in big team fights in AV.

Ok so apparently no new ppl are joining SPM, so let’s have a good game! We are psyched!

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