I heard you went viral for being terrible at ret
Fraam, you are cracking me up Almost spit coffee all over my monitor.
TORTURE, Thank You for those inspiring WORDS!!
Plz have a DAY full of SMILES and LAUGHTER!!!
Please Don’t choke!!!
YeS FRAAM Agree’s
Woot Woot WOOT!!!
Welcome to the average horde premade player
They have four level 70s in their guild.
They must allll be killed.
Well if it’s how they normally function, once it’s apparent they are going to lose most of them afk.
You know I was shocked when that went down. I couldn’t believe they’d given me the satisfaction of total victory
Proof or it didn’t happen. You are just deflecting from the obvious fact that you and your kind are the real threat. Battlegrounds in Wow and by extension, these forums, have always been a place of reprieve from toxic mongrels such as yourself. They have always been places of fairness and reason. Blizzard, in all of their wisdom, literally formatted battlegrounds to be played in 5s. Not 35-40 which is what you probably run with. Coward. Where do you get off?
Who says I’m not acting in character?
You know nothing
I bet they have a group aside from the guild since it is server based. It could even be cross faction these days. Whatever the case, it’s obvious that Mizriz is a cancer to the game and these forums. He should not be allowed to play against innocent pugs with no access to chat or an organized group.
Alright Miz-WIZZZZZ. Who are you running with and how many do you have? At least be bold enough to tell us that if you insist that you premades are not the problem.
I hope everyone goes and sees your shame at warhansofficial tiktok. You’re at over 2000 likes now buddy
I told you when you came here crying about cupcake cartel farming you in FWGY for 3 AVs in a row you should join me. But instead you threw your life away in arena…. Over… and over…. And over…
tiktok. com/@warhansofficial/video/7188000637227994411
First off- nobody go to that page.
Secondly, I wasn’t farmed, I was simply killed over and over again every time I rezzed. JUST LIKE YOU DO! That’s right Blizz. Caps because I’m serious. AS YOU SHOULD BE.
Blizz- Mizriz is the problem. He is ruining the experience for countless innocent players who just want to queue up for AV at the end of a long day of work. I hope you run out of milk for your cereal Mizriz.
I’ll just get some more milk from an innocent pug Tauren in AV
FYI … There is no such thing. You step into a random BG, you should know what you’re getting into.
Are you online right now?
I wanna fight em. We roleplay pirates. This could be fun. The game needs more fun.
Just ignore magdalum. Cupcake cartel really messed them up inside