A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

Correct. I’m glad you understand this truth. But then I asked for an example and you didn’t give me one. So here we are. I’ll ask again.

Give me an example of friendship. Do not simply say they exist. I already know that’s what you believe bless your heart.

Gilgamesh and Enkidu

You just sited a fictional story. Every time you type, you prove my point. I’m trying to help you but you are making this hard. I am being open minded kind of but with every response, my heart further hardens.

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I hope Torturekilla reciprocates soon!


it probably wasn’t, myth is often rooted in some factual event, but how about achilles and patroclos? the trojan battle did happen and achilles did exist.

if the two greatest examples of friendship in human history aren’t enough for you, what is?

Here’s the thing. When I have to go several thousands of years before Jesus to find an example, I have a hard time believing that friends or even love exists. Everyone has an agenda Enema. Everyone.

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you don’t have to go anywhere, people are friends all around you and you reject them becuase they aren’t up to your standards.

The jokes on you. I don’t have any standards. The only standard I have is being good at the game. It’s all I know. It is the reason why I checked my parents in to an old persons home early so I could focus more on my game. But that’s another story.

ya know, i don’t think it is.

Okay. Will you be my friend? And if you were to be my friend, what would that entail?

He’s done thousands of bgs with many, many friends. With so much experience with friendship, I’m sure he’ll know what to do as your friend.


That’s because you are a space goat

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Okay thats just silly, im going to have to disagree with you there. You are basically saying that genuine affection and love doesnt exist? That sounds wild to me

In all my years I have nothing to inform me of the contrary and my conversation with Enema proved it. He still hasn’t responded to my friend request and what that would look like.

Sure people in game are nice to me but that’s because I have a good personality and I’m very good looking and a good wow player. But if you took all that away, people would back stab me in a heartbeat.


i would blame it less on the people doing the que syncing, and more on blizzard for not doing anything about it, your crys on the forums will not stop me from having my fun, i genuinely couldnt care what the pugs feel <3


I blame it more on the ppl like you who do q syncing and need to have 3 healers on you at all times and not just any healers the best healers in your premade .

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That is one of the most heartless responses I have ever read in my life. Where is your compassion? So you are telling me that you are willing to ruin the game for innocent, rule abiding pugs who have done nothing but give you healthy gameplay? Blizzard never intended people like you to ruin their game. You are breaking rules.


That’s typical for premade raiders.

Who cares about other people? All that matters is me.


Rally pug against them!
Just do it.:heavy_check_mark:


Sir, yes sir!