A Vow for Stormpike’s Honor (premade AV)

It would be the same outcome even if y’all had 40 players.

Thank god, I can sleep tonight knowing that im not going to find Khazix under my bed now


It was a good game Plumdazy and I think your prediction is offered with some disingenuity. I think Khazix would die 20 times instead of 7 if you double the SPM to just 36. GG WP

Btw part of me regrets not letting you play in the wargame. Woulda been funny

:rofl::rofl: yeah that warrior is on steroids. Let me in next time, I’m alliance now.

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GG Mizriz and SPM! Definitely a fun match.


glad you got the warrior taking 50% more damage with no stam food buff or stam from talents, it was definetly not 39 goats though, didnt have saltwater potions that game, you got lucky haha, was fun though.

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According to Oca and my own eyes watching the horde load in it absolutely was 39 of y’all

GG Mhoots!

How many was it?

Are people chugging these potions to reach the top of the scoreboard?

When I randomly get them from boxes, I sell them on the AH.

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They are chugging them to help their team win.

Clearly, you don’t want to win. Or you wouldn’t be tying your own arm behind your back.

It’s not that powerful where it can make someone normally in the middle or bottom be at the top.
Saltwater potion is really good in epic bgs to break those 40 v 40 battles.
For heavy burst classes, like warrior or ret using it with their burst is devasting, add in a augvoker and the raid will be left reeling.

In regular bgs though it is extremely powerful, combine it with beserker and your own burst and you’ll have somewhere around a 70% damage increase for 12 seconds.


i buy them in stacks of 200


warrior gets +140% L M A O, avatar + dw giving 80% by themselves, and with 50% mastery that shoots it up to +190%, incredibly bursty class.

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I could feel it during yesterday’s match.

Was looking at my phone when you came up the hill. Was half health in those couple of seconds and had to disengage to heal up. I’d imagine with a Aug and saltwater it would start one shotting players.

thats liek so scary stap it plz sir

We’re try hards. We have all the consumables. Let’s say some of us like to give 100% of our energy every game.


Yes. A lot. Very. True.

this doesn’t sound like drama! No WAY!


It does sound like drama i can’t even make factual statements about some things without OMG sounding like drama myself…damn. I guess wade into the mud you will get some mud on you.

I was warned about a Headless Pumpkin Queen :crazy_face: No offense but in the Intelligent Agency you would be called a useful idiot. Careful what propaganda you choose to put next to your name


I only call it as I see it OCA you know that. I call an ace an ace …now if I am wrong you just throw your proof up and I’ll review it and say I was wrong if that’s the case. Just like I was wrong about Mizriz and SPM. I have never claimed to be perfect …and I accept responsibility for my actions.

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