<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

Currently full on heals. You got a dps spec?

Still looking for strong consistent dps to progress with!

one moar week!

Experienced mage + friends looking for a new place to hang.


Hi I added you but been busy with work. Hope to talk to you soon!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Volatile

Hi, Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I’m a horde player interested in joining. I see you all need rdps. Do you accept evokers? Or what are you looking for in the ranged department?

I do have experience in being a hardcore progression guild. However, I’m more of a washed up casual that can do semi-hardcore and enjoying my time in a laid back environment.

Thanks for your time!

BTag: Dave#14792
Discord: Habitz#9344

Washed up casuals are welcome :laughing:. We are full on evokers though coz everyone wants to be a :dragon:. But for ranged, we are short on mages and warlocks.

Awesome! I can pick up one of those ranged no problem. An yes I figured as much haha! How can I get in touch with you in game?

Feel free to add us either on bnet or discord.

Still looking for more. How are you enjoying dragon flying?

Still recruiting more dps.

we can fly!!!

Don’t be scared and join us!

Countdown until raid! 1 more week to go! Come join the fun

Still looking for more members!

Raid soon! :partying_face:

Would be interested if DH dps spot opens up or a spot for a evoker. I main preservation but can play devastation

Will definitely keep you in mind for that. Feel free to add us.

Tomorrow is raid dayyyyyyyy!!!