<A> Volatile Fri/Sat Raid Recruiting for TWW S1 and on

2 more weeks until EVOKERS!

Looking for more ranged dps!

is anyone out there anymore?

Searching, seeking, looking for more company on the wow journey!

Anymore ranged DPS out there looking for a home?

Searching for more peeps to raid with in a new unknown expansion!

Happy WoW anniversary!

Still looking for more consistent dps!

dem dragons are upon us!

Dragons will soon soar from the sky! Who will join us?

still looking for dragons er ranged dps! :crazy_face:

Hoping to see some mages blink into existence!

Few moar days!

Need more members to build a solid roster for next expansion!

It’s here! :dragon: :dragon: :dragon_face: :dragon_face: :dragon_face:

Still looking for more people to raid Vault of Incarnates with!

Just a few more raiders needed!

Searching for more members trying to push further into mythic!

I’m interested in joining you, but currently I’m in horde. Can I raid first and transfer later?
My class is Priest. Plenty(16 yrs) raiding exp in Holy/Disc talent.

Getting so close to launch!!! How many dragons are out there :stuck_out_tongue: