A visage is an expression of how you wish to be seen by others

It is a personal choice you alone can make…

Yet, blizzard made it for me.

"“You will choose a form to BLEND IN.” in the city who majority is ORCS, TAURENS AND TROLLS, you are forced to pick a female HUMAN and a male blood elf.

Rly blizzard? how long we are going to stay like this?

I noticed blizzard adding mages and warrior for new classes to Dracthyr, it would be great to allow us pick visage races for the factions we picked, its not hard; I want to be a tauren like Ebyssian, or i dunno a goblin, that would be fun isn’t? a goblin turning into a dragon.

That would actually help me blend in, not a elf with scales on his face and horns coming out of his head.

Don’t need to add extra customization to other races, like the scales and horns, let that be something unique for the base visage, just let me pick other races to emulate as they are.

Bonus: by allowing you to pick other races as visages, you will not need to add evoker a class to other races, its a win-win scenario no matter how you look at it.


Haven’t you got the memo? Its no longer Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, its just Elves & Humans.


It is their game, the only choice you truly make is to play or not play. This is true of every game, unless you make the game- then you make the choices.


We didn’t even have a dragon with a troll or dwarf visage until this X-Pac, did we?

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You are? Why? When you create a new character you can pick any of the standard races and any new ones that you have unlocked.


Are you for real?


Yes I’m for real. What is preventing you from picking an orc, undead, troll, etc.
I see those around all the time.


Visage stuff is the closest I’ll get to female humans on horde…


Read the topic again, slowly, and you will understand what is the subject about


I did create a Dracthyr a while back just to try it out but didn’t get that far. Are you saying that you get to switch back and forth from Dracthyr to Human or Elf like we do with Worgan / Human?

… I think the whole visage thing is kind of tied to the … Body type system.

Which it shouldn’t tbh. Allow us to pick litteraly any race. Even if you have to slap dragon eyes on somebody, that would be enough. Infact, that’s what you’ve did with the NPC’s around Dragon City.


Im saying you are forced to pick male elf and female human for visage form.

You should be able to pick any race in your faction as a drachtyr


The demographics of the Horde shows that Blood elves the majority of the created characters in the horde, thus being the most popular faction.

Based on that, you’ll blend in very well.


That is not true, if you combine orcs, taurens and trolls they are way more populous than blood elves alone. Orcs are like top 5 more playable races in the game. And zero of then have scales under their face and horns.

Plus, the demographics say there are 0 humans created characters in the horde, so a female human should not blend in


There are no official demographics, but if you search online you’ll see that they are majority, they make up more than Orcs and Trolls combined. In fact they were the reason Horde got a major boost since TBC.

Not to mention that for years their racial was really good. And, of course, they were the elves that everyone wanted from day one.

If you’re making a female dracthyr perhaps you’re in the wrong faction then?

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I’m not against it…im not sure if blizzard will but its kinda whatever.

Everything i search for their demographics put orcs under top 3 below blood elves and humans, if you combine all the three classic horde races and if you put the others, they dwarf blood elves number.

If it is wrong why they gave the option in the first place?

This also changing the topic subject that is to give then other races visages

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Because it is a free country, and you’re allowed to make wrong choices

Yeah, I think you should be able to pick any race from your faction as a visage form.

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That is, if he was a dragon, but being a Dracthyr, that is not available :sob:

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