(A) <Virus> | Tue/Thur 7pm-10pm

  • Who We Are -

is a guild full of long time Classic/TBC players. We are looking to go into TBC with a group of like-minded players interested in clearing all content and performing to the best of their abilities! If you are looking to progress through content and have a memorable experience again, or for the first time in TBC, then this guild just might be perfect for you!

  • Raid Schedule +

Tuesday: 7PM - 10PM EST(Server Time)
Thursday: 7PM - 10PM EST(Server Time)

Nightbane down.
Gruul and Magtheridon down on first day of progression.

  • Rules For Raiding -

We take raiding seriously and want everyone to perform well. We are here to have fun but ask that you respect everyone’s time. That being said, we expect everyone to put their best effort forward and be prepared for raids ahead of time. The following are our basic requirements that we expect our raiders to follow:

Pre-BIS/Crafted BIS Gear
Full Consumables for Raiding; Potions, Elixirs, Flasks, Drums, Etc.
80% Attendance is REQUIRED to maintain a raid position
Be as active on trash pulls as you are on Boss encounters

  • Loot +

We use a Loot Council system, it is made up of our 3 Officers and they will be using a combination of the following, in no particular order, to determine how loot is distributed:

Attendance, at least 80%
Preparedness, Full Consumes/Knowing Boss Fights/On-Time
Performance, Parsing and Mechanics
BIS for Class, Self-Explanatory

  • Currently Recruiting -

DPS - (Average of Purple/Epic Parsing is a plus)
-1 BM Hunter
-1 Survival Hunter
-1 Retribution Paladin
-2 Healers of any spec. (Prefer Resto Druid or Priest but any exceptional need apply)
Other exceptional DPS or Healers will be considered.

Back up positions / Social players Always welcome

Any questions please send one of us a message.
Theridar- Discord Theridar#2382
Mercurius - Discord Qiryk#0596