(A) Vintage Valor - A level 30 raiding experience

Vintage Valor is a level 30 Alliance raiding guild on retail WoW’s Bleeding Hollow server for players who want to experience all of the content from Classic, TBC, and WotLK with modern characters. Rules

  1. All characters must be level 30, no exceptions. If your character is over level 30 it is an immediate gkick. This is required for us to maintain an in-era feel and prevent power crepe in raids.
  2. All gear, consumes, and enchants must come from Classic, TBC, or WotLK.
  3. Monk, Demon Hunter, and Evoker are allowed however they will be at a significant advantage in most of the content due to there being no tier pieces available to them. Death Knight can get by with DPS warrior gear in classic.
  4. Most gear should come from raiding with our guild, not being carried by max level characters. We have outlined some exceptions to this when it comes to obtaining legendary items to ensure that everyone is having a fun experience.
  5. It is okay to bring gold over from your main characters where it will be significantly easy to farm. We’re here to have fun and enjoy content, not make people grind.

Why not play classic? Vintage Valor was founded by veterans of classic WoW who love the old world and its content but are looking for something more casual fun. Reaching level 30 in retail today is quick and painless, meaning players can join and jump into raids in just a few hours. The best part is that level 30 includes content from Classic, TBC, and WotLK! which means that we can rotate the raids we feel like doing in and choose from a large list each week. Who knows, we may even get Herald of the Titans

Reach out to me at Rasczak#11142