
Vigilants of Proudmoore (VoP) is a family friendly semi-casual guild. We do it all!:

  • Raid
  • PVP
  • RP
  • M+
  • world events, etc

We’re currently recruiting like minded individuals to join us in our various activities.

We raid Tuesdays and Saturdays (9-12 PM EST)

10/10 Normal 3/10 Heroic Castle Nathria progression.

Our core members have been playing WoW together for more than a Decade!

We use discord for voice chat. In game calendar for events.

We’re a mature guild. Please message Zeebs#1842 for information!

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I am enjoying my time In the Vigilants as they a good guild and have help me enjoy the game and also help me enjoy old good memoies of other guild i was part of as they show the good side of them guilds and there ideas and why i enjoy being part of them.


we raid 4 + hours a week - not 6

We’re looking for mature adults who enjoy raiding in a relaxed enviornment

we almost got 8/10H - looking for some quality raiders (heal/dps spec ideally)

add me - Zeebs#1842

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