A Very Long concept for 10.0 + New Class

World of Warcraft. Dark Below

Story Pitch: After Returning from the Shadowlands, The Champions of Azeroth find their Home in Turmoil. Not from any cosmic threats, but from the encroaching Venture Company, Who, in the power vacuum, have swept the world in all out War

Lead by the Nefarious Turncoat, Jastor Gallywix who fled after Sylvanas abandoned the Horde, Gallywix now stands on the precipice of World Domination under an Iron Fist. Wielding scoured Technology from deep, deep underground.

A Subterranean adventure pursues, Involving the Venture Company, The Old Gods, The Effects of the Shattering, and Gallywix himself


The Heroes of Azeroth would find their way to the ancient Undermine, a massive sprawling city that reaches far and wide out of the ruins of Mount Kjaro
Undermine is a shady, neon lit cesspool of scum and villainy, submerged deep within the planet.

From this City, the Heroes of Azeroth would embark underground; into Massive gemstone caverns lit by lakes of lava, Entire ecosystems of bio-luminescent fauna, Abandoned Gnomish cities infested with lepers, and shattered broken mines torn apart by the Force of the Shattering, when Deathwing broke the world.

At the Center of it all would Lie the Abyssal Ravine, a tear into the planet created by Deathwing, from which the creeping remnants of the old gods pour out.
Light Bless you for what may lie within.

Major Enemies:

The Venture Co. and the Goblin Trade princes.
The Old Gods, and their madness creeping out of the planet’s depths
And of Course, Gallywix, using the Last of the Azerite to power impossible technology


Along with, of course the typical expansion release of Dungeons and Raids, I have a few Ideas for Great new content that could come to WoW through this expansion.

  • Goblin Gangland
    The Central Hub of Undermine is no quiet town, the various goblin gangs and cartels are in constant war and flux
    Player may choose to join a gang, in order to participate in localized PVP between gangs. Rewards include Honor, and strictly cosmetic benefits.

  • The Abyssal Delve (PoE player will recognize this)
    The Champions of Azeroth will Delve into the infinite, swirling darkness, that will gnaw at their mind as they stay down.
    Similarly to Torghast, It will be content that is soloable and up to 5 players.
    The Player will need to Follow a minecart that provides light in the darkness, as the Cart Travels, the player will be under attack from foes that come crawling out of the Darkness.
    Upon surviving, the player will be rewarded with some of the last slivers of Azerite in the planet. This special currency can be spent on permanent player upgrades that provide resistance to the Madness, increased light radius, ETC. The Darkest, most twisted secrets of these caves will provide players with Cosmetic rewards, Valor points, and even hidden Mage Tower level bosses all while holding up flares to keep the darkness at bay.


With the presence of Goblin stormtroopers taking the planet by storm, The Heroes of Azeroth will be able to use Technology against their enemies as the New Class.
The Tinker:

3 Specs:

  1. Ranged DPS, Intellect, Uses Guns, explosives, missiles and Turrets. With an ability to scrap all turrets to partially refund their cooldown and cost.
  2. Ranged Healer, Intellect, Uses Guns, Healing Grenades, Healbots, and Nanites to quickly heal and disinfect wounded players.
  3. Melee Tank. Intellect. Hopping in a personal Shredder suit, the Tinker uses their vast intellect and Mechanical Know-how to hold enemies at bay, and use on board repair systems to stay alive.

Thank you for Reading!! Please post your thoughts and feelings below!

Special thanks to: Clockworth, Keldar, Brislody, Zerogrusel, Meezah, Krad, and others.


Interesting, but I would like to see some 17 year old plot lines finished up before introducing another story arc.

I’d definitely like to see Gallywix return, that’s for sure.


And 5 Races?
Lightborne-(Look like Calia Menethil)
High Elves-(Led by Vereesa Windrunner)
(Both are Alliance)


Ogre-(Led by Cho’Gall)
Naga-(Led by Lady Azshara)
(All are Horde)

And the Horde leaders are ressurected to be good guys.


While a lot of these are highly requested things, I don’t exactly think they fit into the Core “Theme”

With BFA so close behind, I don’t think new races are on the list for Blizz.

What specifically do you mean?
I want a goblin Tinker from WC3 and that almost 20 years old now.

Oh I was speaking on a larger scale, that rather than introduce a brand new story line we see Blizzard end some of the older stories they left open. Lordaeron lay empty. The Scarlet Crusade is just “there”, The Forsaken have no true leadership or direction. The Sunwell is still sitting in an empty Quelthelas and is infused with the Light, Kayn and the Illidari are just hanging out in Valsharah killing demons that shouldn’t be there, the Outlands are still as they were 14 years ago, etc.

But I don’t want to hijack your thread by going in to detail about this. I like your idea, I just think before we advance another story arc Blizz could clean up 17 years of loose ends first.

“Time is a Tangled web, Try not to get caught up on the loose ends”

I understand that a lot of things get swept under the rug, and I would love to see them patched too.

But this expansion Idea is based on one Massive loose end from the end of BFA, Gallywix just straight up left after establishing himself as a Villain to both sides.

This is one loose end I really wanna see fixed.

Agreed. I have never cared for goblins but still as a lore enthusiast I want to see the story line culminated rather than just be left hanging. Bothers me that he and other characters developed as plot drivers just “disappear”.

well, We’ve seen plenty of references to undermine, Tinkers, rival trade princes, and scary madness inducing forces at the center of the planet.

I want something to finally culminate those ideas.

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“There are older and fouler things than Orcs, in the deep places of the world.”


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I was trying to figure out what you were talking about, and then I realized you don’t understand that a video game doesn’t progress in real time. Places in World of Warcraft represent snapshots of what was happening at that place in a given moment in time.

The story-lines in those places aren’t “left open”. They’ve done. Just because Blizzard doesn’t go back and delete old content once the story is finished doesn’t mean the story wasn’t finished.

Like, for real, you’re making such a random whine in what is otherwise completely unrelated to what you’re whining about. It’s actually a bit absurd truth be told.

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You’re completely missing the point, and I fail to see a reason for the rudeness in your presentation.

It’s not about deleting old content, its about creating new content out of old content that has progressed lore-wise but not in game.

More on-topic, I actually do like this idea, but honestly, I don’t feel like Goblins would make a “front page” / A-list tier type threat. I feel like you need something “extra” to get there. Sort of like how the Goblins supported the Iron Horde - Goblins feel like either minions or B-listers.

I suppose you’re implying some kind of Old God type stuff going on in the background, but I kind of feel like Old Gods are a bit tired at this point, I don’t know. At least, tired as “Secret Big Bad Villain” - we’ve done that with two Horde vs Alliance expansions already.

I disagree.

I think they have been b-listers in the past. But I don’t want “generic goblins” to be the enemy of the expansion.
I want the major, overarching Villain to be Gallywix.

He’s much more than just another generic goblin, he’s a former racial leader with serious reasons to hate both sides. He’s genuinely evil to his core.

And I think Gallywix in an even bigger, deadlier, Cavern sized mech with giant headlights on the front to light up the darkness would be an EXCELLENT Villain. An “A-lister” as you put it.

Goblins would just be the set dressing, along with Gnomes, Lepers, Black Dragons, and Old gods.

only need one thing and one thing only: shadow hunter

We need a new race for druids

Sounds terrible. Tinker class sounds dumb, and the story you chose is just another cata/mop mashup. No thanks.

Useful feedback

In what way? Poorly designed? Do you not think it should use guns or something?

Again, explain your points please.

That was BFA. 2 new druid races