[A] <Vanilla> 4/6|Loot List System|Wed/Fri/Sun 8-12 EST

Expecting failure sir expecting failure

WTB warlock, thanks.

WTB friend

I wonder what Female Trolls smell like?

Time for bumps

I am bumping this page for bumping purposes.

bump? loleee x2

We have Cheesecake and Ice Cream!

Bump bump bump.

Striving for that old vanilla community.

Best guild I have ever been across any game in my decades of MMOs. Do yourself a favour and check us on out!

Has your recruitment changed at all? Or maybe you take exception for exceptional raiders. I am looking for a raid home for either my rogue or my warrior on pagle.

Here is a link to my mains logs on Faerlina (You guys do not raid on the same days so it works out perfectly and i prefer to raid on more than one character, i’ve been doing it for years).

Shoot, wont let me add a link. Look up Boomzillaa - Faerlina if you’re interested in checking me out. The rogue/warrior have T4/5 equivalent gear and are getting better and better by the day since ZA came out but i don’t really have logs for either of them currently

Bumping very much.

Bumping a lot

I like turtles :turtle:

Hello there

Bumping because it’s the best!

Goes bump in the night

Late night bump

WotLK bump #2 :grin: