[A] <Vanilla> 4/6|Loot List System|Wed/Fri/Sun 8-12 EST

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

Bumpidy bump bump

I think I’ll just…BUMP!!!

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

Dang, we are being invaded by gnomes!

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

Bumpin with Vashj kill!

Metal is for everyone!

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

bump lolee

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

:ice_cream: :ice_cream: bump :ice_cream: :ice_cream:

Something something da voodoo!

Please send Totem of Wrath so our casters can gear around having an extra +4% hit and then lose massive amounts of DPS when the shaman dies.