[A] Vanguard 9pm-12 EST TU and TH

Semi-HC | Modified DKP w/ Limited LC

Who we are:
A Few of us come from private servers, while others came from current WoW retail… but we all returned to classic for the same reason: Community. Well, Community and clearing Naxx! We’ve full cleared classic content, and we are looking to expand our raid roster and raid times in preparation for BWL progression.

Who we are looking for:
We are looking for players who intend to clear Naxx, and by definition, are in it for the long haul. This includes farming BiS, farming materials for consumables, and helping the guild progress as a whole.

What we expect from you: Community. Maturity. Absolutely no racism, sexism, hate speech, or anything of the sort will be tolerated within our ranks; both in guild or out-of-guild. Ninja looting is also a no no.

Guild Clears: Ony 1/1 - 2min Ony Kills | MC 10/10 - 1 hour full clears | BWL 8/8

Raid Schedules:

Team One: 8-11 Server Time Thursday/Sundays.
Team Two: 9-12 Server Time. Tuesday/Thursday.
Loot is a modified DKP w/ limited Loot Council. Documents which LC adheres to for decision making are avaliable upon request.

What we are looking for: Any DPS are welcome to apply. Open invites for social members/ people still leveling. Specific raid team slots we are looking to fill are as follows:

Team 1 openings:
⦁ 1 Warlock
⦁ 1 Priest

Team 2 openings: Replacing alts with main toon raiders in the following roles
⦁ 1 Hunter
⦁ 2 Rogues
⦁ 2 Lock
⦁ 1 Shadow Priest
⦁ 1 Healing Priest
⦁ 1 Holy Pally
⦁ 1 Resto Druid

How to join : Application is located with in our discord:


Feel free to join the discord and talk with any of the officers/members. Thanks for taking the time to read through our application, and regardless of who you join… good luck killing KT this time around!

  • Gambatte (Guild Recruitment Officer) You can may contact me through B-net at Gambatte #11466 or via Discord at Gambatte#0924
  • Throsk (Guild Master/Raid Lead Team 1) You can contact me through B-net at Chris#11424 or via Discord at Throsk#2221
  • Voorhees (Guild Officer/Raid Lead Team 2) You can contact me through B-net at Masurao#1842 or via Discord Voorhees#9290