[A][US][Malfurion/Trollbane] <Calamity> Recruiting!

Decided to make an updated thread for <Calamity>

[A][US][Malfurion/Trollbane] <Calamity> [Tue/Sun: 8:45-11:00 EST]

Hello everyone! <Calamity> is a group of raiders with a lot of new and old faces. We raid 4 hours Tuesday and Sunday. (Subject to change to Wednesday and Sunday.) Most of our guild are ages 20-30 with regular 9-5 jobs that cant dedicate more than 2 nights a week to raiding. Even while only raiding 4 hours a week, we still had moderate success against the Burning Legion (Top mythic Alliance during NH, first Alliance to kill H KJ, 3rd H Argus)

2/2 H CoS, 3/9 M BoD, 9/9 H BoD: We are actively progressing Mythic

Raid times:

Tuesday 8:45 PM - 11:00 PM

Sunday 8:45 PM - 11:00 PM


Healer: N/A

DPS: Any
(Currently as we’re progressing mythic we are looking for DPS with an ilevel roughly ~395+ If you’re looking to get your foot into the door and have some knowledge of the fights, or a willingness to learn, we are happy to help!)

That being said, if you are just looking to hang out, or have never raided before and would like to get your foot in the door, please reach out! If you feel you bring more to the table then a normal player, also let me know!


DBM / Bigwigs and Discord required. You are not required to talk in voice just listen.

Food / Flasks / Repairs / Enchants provided to our raider ranks.

No alt requirements, but we do require you to stick to one raiding character during a tier.

You are expected to know how to sim your character in order to maximize your effectiveness. We will of course help you if you are unsure how, and the guild has a premium Raidbots Discord bot to help you skip the line.

Please ask questions if you have any! We want to help!

Please reach out to us here or send a message to any of our officers!

Pargelenis - Trollbane / Bnet: Tig#12969
Sylvexa - Trollbane
Jadedglaives - Trollbane
Alorá - Malfurion
Heythere - Malfurion
Zenshu - Malfurion

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Pick me! New 120, loving those raid times, gives me time to eat in the evening, my Horde guild starts at 7, which is an issue for that very reason hehe.

Hey there…Just wondering if could change factions for me. I need to level a horde toon and well you are the most recent recruitment post. So an Alliance guild just wont work for me, I hope you understand.

A little bump and update! We are still looking to add to our team moving forward to 8.2, our raid days have changed to Wednesday / Sunday 8:45 - 11:00 PM. Currently looking for dedicated or back-up tanks with DPS off-spec.

Are you guys still recruiting? returning player at 120 and also leveling alts but looking to get back into dungeons/raiding, my discord name is @TomThePolarBear#2467