[A] [US] <Dawn> 3/8M Tues & Thurs Progression Raids, + 1 Casual Raid & TONS of Mythic+

DAWN is a friendly community of players looking for new members for Mythic+ and Raiding. We are most known for our Heroic EP farm Raid helping others get AOTC & our Mythic Progression Raid team. We are passionate about playing with others who are just as driven about the game. We like pushing our classes and collective as far as we can go, and helping others do the same in a fun, supportive environment.

While we do content that tends to be on the end-patch, we are more than happy to have new players in our ranks that are still learning and unfamiliar with mythic or raiding content. Our community is great for players who have a lot of questions about spec, rotations, builds, general game play knowledge and more.

Social : Our guild is always down for silly banter and making others comfortable and getting to know each other. We run social events with prize rewards, like games or trivia, achievement runs, transmog, etc.

Mythic+ : Our ranks are always running weekly Mythic+ and are always down to help gear guildies who are just starting out. Our ranks are comfortable pushing keys up to +16. Additionally, ranking up in the guild will provide extra consumables and increased guild repair. Our guildies are key addicts and are more than happy to run or push keys. Dawn holds some of the highest Raider IO scores in the realm. During push weeks, we run a Mythic+ event Sunday evenings at 7PM CST and do keys 10+ for guildies.

Casual Raid : Wednesday 7-9pm CST is our regular raid. This raid group runs based guildies available week to week, and who qualifies, it has no set team. For the remainder of 8.2, players interested in this group should be 420+ ilvl and spent some time reading basic guides/videos on the boss fights in order to qualify. This raid is significantly more casual than our progression group, though we are still focused on tactics and downing bosses so everyone can enjoy loot. All raid consumables are provided by the guild.

This raid will do Normal difficulty Ny’alotha in 8.3, until the content is on farm, then progress into Heroic.


Progression team runs on every Tuesday & Thursday @ 7-9pm CST (In 8.3, progression raids will be extended by a half hour making raid times 07:00-9:30 PM).

• All players interested in the progression team are required to try out during one of our casual raids to gauge eligibility. Currently, we are only seeking DPS for our Progression Raiding team. Players interested in our progression raid group should be comfortable with raid mechanics, and have at least read up on the the changes between raid difficulties, as well be able to listen to instructions and strategy that may differ from standard online guides. All raid consumables are provided by the guild.

This team is finishing the tier in Mythic EP, then will jump straight into Heroic Ny’alotha in 8.3, until the content is on farm then move into Mythic.

Reach out to our Raid Leader, Notatank-Azshara - BTAG: DeathlyOmen#1661 for more information on a try-out for the Progression team, or a general invite to the guild (there are no requirements to simply joining us).