We are Unsettled of Dalaran (US)(ALLIANCE) and we are looking for a couple of exceptional players to round out our Mythic team. We are looking for CE interested players who play at a high level.
Currently Recruiting:
Ranged DPS
Resto Druid
MW Monk
What we want from you:
We look for good raid attendance and a willingness to be weaved in and out of raid as the encounter or performance dictates. We want team players who can take constructive criticism if it is given. We are expecting players to understand their class and be proficient in their main role.
Current progression:
9/9 Heroic BoD
4/9 Mythic BoD
Raid Days / Raid Times:
Mythic raids are Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-11pm EST
Heroic raids are Sundays at 8-11pm EST
What we offer:
Repairs during Mythic Progression
Feasts and flasks are provided at the start of and during raid
A laid back group that knows when to focus and when to have fun
Bnet: Mute#1292
Disc: cdnmute#9143