< Unleashed > is 5/9 M with progression on Rastakhan looking for experienced raiders interested in long term Mythic raiding. The guild recently underwent changes and opened up spots for the raiding core after IRL changes of some of our mythic raiders. We would like to fill these spots with raiders hungry to progress and perform for it.
We are currently looking to fill for DPS spots (high demand but not exclusive to:)
- Rogue/Boomie/Warlock/Mage/Spriest/Ele shammie
and a healer (high demand but not exclusive to : )
- Holy Pally/ Holy Priest/ MW monk
Raiding Hours: **Tuesday/Thursday 9pm EST-12am and optional Wednesday Crucible raid
This late in the patch we would like to see as many bosses possible and build a tight-knit group of raiders that, come N’Zoth, we are ready to push for cutting edge. Also, any high key mythic rollers are welcome, the guild is running m+10 daily, and looking to bring friends with mutual interests together.
Contact Amastris#1525
or PST Amastris in game.