A universal Profession macro?

I remembered back in Cataclysm I had asked this question but it was in game and not on here, so no chance I’ll find it again or remember. I’m probably stupid and can’t find it or asking the right questions to find it myself because I can’t see it anywhere via Google or even on here.

Simply put, the idea is having a setup where no matter what profession I chose, the macro will be able to know what primary and secondary profession it was. So if there’s ever a chance of changing professions later. I don’t need to go back in and changing it around again. Oh, and its a btn1 and btn2 setup too.

If for some reason it doesn’t exist, then I’ll just go with the old route I boringly had.

/run local t = {} for i = 1, 2 do t[i] = select(7, GetProfessionInfo(select(i, GetProfessions()))) end C_TradeSkillUI.OpenTradeSkill(SecureCmdOptionParse("[btn:1]"..t[1].."; [btn:2]"..t[2]))

You’re a hero. Thanks!

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Is there a way to open cooking if the Wheel Mouse Button is pushed?

Great macro! Is there a way to do #showtooltip on this?