[A] <unbuffed> Recruiting 8-11PM Tues/Thurs

unbuffed is a semi-hardcore raiding guild. We are looking for players who are fun-loving, chill, and mechanically skilled to fill out our raid team. 10/10 Kara and starting Gruul Tuesday.

  • Expectations *

Be proficient in your class and spec, bring enough consumables for the worst-case scenario, and be respectful to everyone on the team. We expect our raiders to research boss mechanics before the raid and understand their role in the fight.

  • Raid times *

Tuesday and Thursday from 8pm to 11pm. Optional alt/social raid on Saturday time TBD.

  • Roles *

Two experienced healers to play a Resto Shaman and a Holy Paladin. An exceptional priest could be considered.

One elemental shaman.

  • Loot council *

The loot council will use raider’s personal wish lists and consider raid benefit to publish a priority list. Our list will be fair and transparent and be open for discussion long before the item is looted. Trivial and off spec items will be rolled for in raid.

DM me in Discord or Whisper Asap or Mindful in game if you’re interested in beating the game with us.