[A] <Two Shot>-Whisperwind 8/8M Nerub-ar Palace (CE last 10 tiers) 8-11PM EST Tues/Wed

About us:
Two Shot-Whisperwind[A] is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that raids Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8pm-11pm Eastern. We have achieved cutting edge every tier since BoD in BfA. Our raid atmosphere is progression-focused with friendly, skilled and dedicated raiders. During raid, we keep things light and enjoy joking around, but put a strong emphasis on limiting downtime in order to get as many pulls as we can on progression.

We’re made up of a healthy mix of former high-end raiders looking for a more relaxed pace, plus a few people who have stepped into mythic raiding with us and proven themselves. We have an active discord, and on off-nights there’s generally people doing keys, playing other games with each other, and just hanging out to chat. The one thing we all have in common is a consistent and long-term love for the game of WoW and for mythic raiding.

Two Shot emphasizes providing a stable environment and a positive atmosphere. Roughly three-quarters of our members have been raiding with us for over a year, and we have not missed a raid night outside of holidays since we formed in April of 2018. Since we emphasize stability, we have a relatively long trial process where every member of the raid team is expected to weigh in before a trial is approved. While this is daunting to some, it’s a big part of how we maintain a team where we know every member is dedicated and gets along with each other.

Currently recruiting:

  • 1 DPS or 1 Healer
  • Exceptional applicants of all classes and roles

Mythic Raid Schedule:
Tuesday, 8-11pm EST (invites at 7:45pm)
Wednesday, 8-11pm EST (invites at 7:45pm)

Optional Heroic Raid
While not required, raiders are encouraged to show up to our Heroic raid when possible to help gear alts.
Sunday, 8-11pm EST

If you’re interested in a trial, fill out an application at:

https:// apply.twoshot.rocks/
(remove space)

Add me on discord if you have any questions: @pode

first bump

second bump!

lumpy bumpy? all up the rumpy

Cutting edge bumpies

bumpo bumpo bumpo.

bumping this bump.

25 Tauren Shaman?? imposter

Maybe that’s my new main!

bump the shlump? :clown_face: :sleeping:

Sunday Bumpage

Lazy Sunday afternoon bump

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Holiday bump!

bumpalump da dump

Reclear raid day bump!

we recleared p good bump

Bumping the forum post :slight_smile:

Bumpy Stumpy :clown_face:

Round of applause

I take a bow as I accept my queen of forum post bumping title, thank you

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