TMTM is a semi-casual guild.
We are made up of a bunch of working adults and we raid on (Wed/Thurs/Mon) to unwind from our work and to AFK from real life.
We follow +8GMT timing which caters for folks from PERTH, SINGAPORE, MALAYSIA and even TAIWAN.
Raiding starts @9.00pm +8GMT (11:00pm server time)
Our goal since the guild's inception during Lich King's days has always been to clear all HEROIC raid contents. And have fun while we are at it.
So if you are looking for semi-casual guild and a stress-free environment, look no further ;)
All welcome to apply but we are currently looking for healers.
We are currently 9/9H 1/9M in BoD.
For more info whisper:
Currently looking for most classes, a warrior specifically.
Now chasing a Warlock.
Still looking for more to push mythic Uldir before Battle of Dazar’alor Raid. We are currently 2/8M.
Hi there. Are social members looking to learn the raiding ropes accepted into your guild?
Thank you
Hi Bemmo, we are certainly taking social member looking to learn. If you’re happy with our active times (+8gmt) feel free to hit me up in game and ill throw you an invite btag: Abyss#12939.