indeed we are!
Need more healers and ranged dps!
still looking for more ranged dps and maybe a healer!
8/9 heroic now, working in Jaina. Updated needs
core spots open for RDPS!
still looking for more RDPS! H Jaina down!
RDPS and Druid Healer pls!
we did a thing last week! 2/9M
Grong down, working on Opulence now!
ISO RDPS, Rogue, Tank!
still looking for all!
indeed we are!
lfm for mythic! inquire within!
good week! lfm
great week! bumpin it up!
looking for more for M Opulence in last room!
pst still lfm
LF RDPS, M BoD Experienced Tank, and RDruid!
hi my name is Lillie and i have decently geared holy priest ready for raiding and i am currently leveling a resto druid to make the switch over to her. My character names are Lilliegail and Milliey. i will most likely be on milliey due to lvling but i am looking for a guild to raid with. Feel free to btag me i am abbiegail#1812
any dps characters? or are you firm on healing