We currently have two different raid groups!
Group: Last Pull
Raid Times/Days: Fri/Sat 10pm-1am Est, Wed 8:30pm-11:30pm est
Current Progression: 4/10 M
Needs: Tank, DPS that can flex to healer.
Mdps: Any.
Rdps: Any.
Requirements: Class knowledge, High attendance, 235+ ilvl, weekly Mythic+
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: Austingo#2398, Ella#5275, Solarelor#6431
Application link below or you can contact a RL above!
docs. google. com /forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIr5kHmCiLOQwqBSt6lRZoEM5gKnHbrxq1i1XkTt1V9o5fpw/viewform
Group: Team Rocket
Raid Times/Days: Tues/Sun 8:30pm-11:30pm EST
Current Progression: 9/10H
Needs: Looking for DPS that can off tank if needed and healers
Mdps: DH, WW Monk
Rdps: Mage, Lock, Hunter
Healer: Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: nikkiniks#1163, Don#5414
This group is currently more heroic oriented but is trying to push their way into mythic!