Hello! With the new realm connections coming later this week, I just wanted to reach out and welcome Kargath and Norgannon to the realm cluster of Agamaggan, Archimonde, Burning Legion, Jaedenar, and The Underbog. I look forward to seeing a few more people around!
We are an old school social guild based on Burning Legion that has only recently started transitioning into a casual raid guild to move into Shadowlands. Our goal will be AOTC every raid tier moving forward.
We currently raid Tuesday and Saturday nights from 7-9 PM Central. In only a couple months we have went from a group of true casuals to having a veteran led team that is currently 12/12 N and 5/12 H, while maintaining the friendly social atmosphere that we pride our reputation on. We may started late in the game, but are pushing hard to down Heroic N’zoth before prepatch hits.
There are M+ groups that run nightly, as well as fairly regular groups chasing achievements or mounts. We have a well funded event schedule as well with regular gold, mount, and pet prizes.
If you’ve been on the fence about end game content, think you just don’t have time for it, or just want a relaxed but active guild chat, I encourage you to check us out.
You can get in touch directly by adding Tethmes#1322, or after the connection is complete, checking us out in the guild finder. We look forward to talking with you soon! Cheers!