Extremely poor forum to decide to troll, Rox. --Orlyia
Thank you for your continued patience. Not forgotten about ya’ll, they are still working on these issues.
I got a https://ptr.wowhead.com/item=172021/marks-of-sanctification-purse I can’t open.
My Obsidian Worldbreaker disappeared from my collection, as well my WoW Anniversary rep/exp item is gone.
Same issue, lost my mount & pet. Kept my anniversary fireworks & exp item, though.
same thing happend to me did they fix that??
Same thing here. Mount disappeared and can’t summon the pet.
Issue I keep having is during the ragnaros fight, I randomly get teleported to the real firelands raid. It happens every fight (been in about 8 groups now) and only effects me, no one else in raid. Cant finish the fight. This happening to anyone else?
Same here. Got the worldbreaker mount, relogged and now it’s gone.
I was literally riding my mount and the icon I bound to the action bar was grayed out and indicated I hadn’t collected it yet. Dismounted and could not re-mount it.
The exp item is now consumed and the buff lasts for the duration of the event.
Yes. Dude happens to me too. Might be a rogue thing…
I lost my pet and mount as well. I have the achieve and the mail from Chromie, so it can be verified.
This has happened to me, as well. Received the anniversary package in the mail before reset, opened it, learned the pet, logged off. When I logged back on after reset, the pet was grey. None of my other characters receive the pet when opening the package. Then I did the Chromie event, got the achievement (after several wipes due to bugs on Ragnaros), got the mount in the mail. Then I logged off, switched characters, and the mount was gone. Relogged onto the character that earned the mount, and it was gone from her inventory, too.
no mount , no pet, after logout
From another thread about this same issue:
There are major bugs in the que. My wife and I waited on the BC bosses hit enter dungeon and it did the loading screen and put the whole raid out by Chromie. We could not enter dungeon and waited a long while before having to leave raid which gave us a deserter debuff?
This part is intentional. The system cannot differentiate who was removed from the dungeon for leaving on their own, someone who’s internet got cut out, someone who intentionally unplugged their modem/router, or someone who was voted to be removed from the group.
The current iteration of the deserter feature is the fairest it can be at this point in time.
I understand the concept of deserter but the problem is we can’t get into the BC raid at all tried a second time put us in caverns of time no Chromie and cannot enter dungeon. It is a major bug and can’t complete to work towards mount now
Yes, I understand that. Blizzard is well aware of the situation at this point, and it looks like they’re almost close to cracking it.
I was simply offering clarity on a specific situation that you implied curiosity towards, which is why I quoted that specific part of your post.