[A]] Tilted Halos 2/11M

Tilted Halos is an Alliance guild on Stormrage! We are currently 2/11M. We are looking for stable, consistent team players to add to our raiding team!

Apply here: https://discord.gg/WuUJFYxqsF

High Needs:

Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Holy Pally
Havoc Demon Hunter

*Any DPS classes that are pumping!

We are always seeking exceptional players regardless of class and spec!

You can search us on youtube to hear us during progression, just look up Tilted Halos, and our mythic kills will be up there, the first time we downed them with discord open. You can also follow me on twitch at www.twitch.tv/celHeals to check in and watch us live in action on wow, or other games that we play within our community!

We help people get AOTC as well (once on farm)! As well as run lots of keys of all levels, big pushes, medium pushes, and smol pushes for alts or newer players!

Here is our spam! I look forward to chatting! We believe in keeping a great raiding atmosphere in an INCLUSIVE guild while maintaining a respectful progression pace. Does this sound like something that interests you? Don’t be shy to message me for more details!

Guild Leader:
Discord- Celheals (He/Him)#3547
Bnet- Celheals#1352

We are female friendly and are supporters of the LGBTTQ+ community. We prefer our raiders to be at least 18 years of age, and come to raids ready for progression!

Our raid days are Thursday and Sunday from 8:00pm-11:00pm CST. ~Personal Loot is the loot system. Any BoEs that drop if not a direct upgrade are sold for guild bank funds (1/2 the BoE goes to gbank, half goes to the raider who looted the BoE)

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested. We look forward to hearing from any and all prospective players. On behalf of the entire ~Tilted Halos~ raid team, we thank you for your time and interest.

I’m sorry but where are them holy pallies hidding?!

hello darkness my old friend

I need a tank please!

Ok now healers, where art thou?!

Who is that girl I see, standing there looking back at me?

Hello darkness my old friend