A thought about Silvermoon City and the Midnight expac

Was watching some WoW exploration vids this morning, including one where the vid creator took his DH to Silvermoon. He started with just getting up the walls and checking the city out from above (and its very incomplete from that angle) then managed to get over to the wall where the Scar is and where it enters the other side of the city.

Now, Id always thought there was nothing there - thought it was purely a 2 dimensational image we could see through the door. In fact, there is stuff there, quite a lot of it. You can see the scar inside the walls, closed doors, buildings, etc. So that part of the city actually exists in its partially wrecked form.

If they are doing a revamp of that part of Eastern, it would therefore be a lot easier to revamp the whole city and open it all up, which I find fascinating.

EDIT: oops fixed title, need more coffee, stat.


I hope they open up the city and revamp it! that would be amazing. i wonder if they will

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