The Way of Knowledge is looking to add to our roster:
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST
Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST
Weekend 10mans (optional)
We are guild who has 13/14 Ulduarr 25Man and has a good time playing together it. Experienced core and will be using a transparent Loot Council.
Main Raid Needs:
- Boomkin
- Aff Warlock
- Surv Hunter
- Shadow Priest
- Disc Priest
All applicants welcome to apply
If you are Interested in joining us:
Simiercy (Discord: Kjraider#6081)
Kontour (Discord: kontour#9350)
Stawlker (Discord: Ifking#0948)
or /who The Way of Knowledge, and anyone can direct you to an officer