Hi! Just recruiting for our new guild, The Way of Knowledge.
The guild we’re building will be from the ground up. We have a strong core of players that have played since retail bc/wrath and have spent our time clearing some form of mythic/buffed pserver content, including classic. We decided for classic wrath, we would run our very own guild and build up a core of solid players from scratch. We created a guild page on wclogs and our needs/contact info/loot system will be available to check out there. We’ve all been 14/14 this phase and cleared everything prior up to SWP(Coming soon!)
Feel free to dm me or any officer, or simply post here in interested. GL and HF!
i have a 70 warrior from phase 1, mostly interested in wotlk, what days do you raid?
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Hello, would you be interested in a fury warrior/lock/rogue all 1/6SWP?
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Sorry fellas, been busy and took some time off of WoW.
Yes! We are working hard now to get the guild rolling. We are open to all roles/players at the moment but really are thin in the ranged department.
Our current raid roster is looking something like this at the moment.
2/2 Tanks (Warr/Paladin) Open to a Bear or Dk dps with tank OS (For the odd ball fights here and there)
2/5 healers (Paladin/Priest) with needs at resto shaman and druid.
4/18 Dps.
1 fury warrior
Frost DK
We need A LOT of of ranged dps, and even more tanks for backup/trial positions. We have needs at everything you listed @Irvaana, so pick one
I think Rogue would sure up the melee group well, but our needs are massive in the ranged dept.
@ Vyndrax we will be raiding Tu/Th 830-1130 EST.
Also, to anyone interested my discord is Kjraider#6081 we have a lot of players that are interested but are raiding out SWP that I have yet to 100% account for, being they aren’t in guild yet. I took a break after ZA but am back and playing regularly now. 
Looking to possibly reroll here, currently on Mankrik. Would be willing to reroll range dps/healer. Any preference on what combo that would be preferable?
@Tehprick if you were to main a healer, shaman or druid would be ideal. Any ranged dps would work either, plenty of room there so whatever you’d wanna do would be cool with us.
Hey everyone!
To all of you who replied and to those who are newly seeing our post, we just wanted to remind you that with the launch date being leaked for September, 26, we are getting ready to start putting things in gear! If you or anyone are interested in joining feel free to message Simiercy (Guild Master) - Kjraider#6081 or Konmage (Recruitment Officer) - Kontour#9350 on discord!
We are looking for any and all specs/classes. Let us know if you are interested! Raid times will be Tuesday / Thursday 8:30-11:30 EST
Looking forward to seeing you all in Northrend!
Recruiting has picked up substantially, if anyone is still interested please DM me @ Kjraider#6081 on discord.
High needs are as follows :
1 SV Hunter
1 MM Hunter(Trueshot)
2 Balance Druids
1 Mage
3 Affliction Warlocks