At The Tail End, we raid at the tail end of the week.
Progression: Clear MC in under 100 minutes. Ony kills every window, split-raid to double loot.
Goals: We aim to clear Naxx.
Class Needs: We’re looking for a healer and three DPS to round out our core raid team. Please have your gear enchanted and have raided sometime in the last few weeks so we can check logs.
Guild Culture: We are a friendly bunch, camaraderie is more important than loot. Joking and joviality is encouraged, including NSFW humor. But toxicity is not tolerated. No culture war stuff either.
Raid: Sun/Mon 9p-12 EST
Contact RASPUTINA in game, “Rasputina (Eneasz)#0956” on Discord, Punchy#11194 Bnet, or