At The Tail End, we raid at the tail end of the week.
Progression: Clear MC in under 100 minutes. Ony kills every window, split-raid to double loot.
Goals: We aim to clear Naxx.
Class Needs: We’re looking for a holy paladin and a couple DPS (warrior/rogue/mage) to round out our core raid team. Please have your gear enchanted and have raided sometime in the last few weeks so we can check logs.
Guild Culture: We are a friendly bunch, camaraderie is more important than loot. Joking and joviality is encouraged, including NSFW humor. But toxicity is not tolerated. No culture war stuff either.
Raid: Sun/Mon 9p-12 EST
Contact RASPUTINA in game, “Rasputina (Eneasz)#0956” on Discord, Punchy#11194 Bnet, or