[A] <The Strays> Sunday 4PM Server Time

Raid is currently 25 members with 5-10 always being tentative. We are looking for more members outside of the tank role coming up for Ulduar. This consists of both DPS and healers. We have completed undying 10 man NAXX with all achievements, NAXX 25 15/15, OS 10 man 3 drake with black drake farm currently, OS 25 man 3 drake with mount on farm, EOE10 and 25 farm.

Our loot system is 2 SR for NAXX 25 and 1 SR for OS including mount on res if wished. EOE is MS>OS.

Current main roster that is always present is:

Tanks: Blood DK, Prot Pally x2

DPS: Survival Hunter, Boomkin, Enh Shaman, Assassination Rogue, Unholy DK, Frost DKx2 Fury Warr x2 , Arms Warr, Arcane Mage x2. Demo Warlock, Affliction Warlock, Ret Pally

Heals: Holy Priest

We do not care for your logs or parses but willing to grow and help learn more with the guild. We have moved our raid times around multiple times if people cannot make a certain day to maintain that community feel. We always hangout in discord and if someone wants an achievement we will help them out in the raids. One of every profession is available including max enchants and JC.

Any further questions comment here or message Rille#4454 on discord. Name is case sensitive.