Faction: Alliance
Server: Dalaran-US East
Reroll Date: October 25th 6pm est.
Raid times: Wednesday 8pm -10pm est & Saturday 8pm-10pm est.
Rules: Everyone gets to level 10 because of allied races. We all stay at 10 till the reroll start date. Evokers must level one toon to 58 before swapping to an Evoker. There are no restrictions on leveling speed.
Looking for adults with a good sense of humor & attitude. That want to have fun in a chill environment. Dungeons, Raiding & PVP is the goal.
We would like to keep it a close-knit guild of people that can get to know each other and form a nice community. We want this to be a fun relaxed environment where we can make friends while we kill pixels together. We do not want to pug. So We need you, so please save us from that lol.
Hi! I like the sound of this as a returning player seeking to relearn his stuff and also wants to avoid pugs haha. You guys cool with fairly inexperienced retail players?
I actually made a post about msyelf here if you want to gauge the type of player I am and think id be a good fit.
Hiya! I’m a returning player who has lost her home because all of my guildmates have either switched servers or stopped playing and I thought this sounds like a lot of fun. I’m looking for a fresh start and was thinking it would be fun to reroll so I can get used to playing the game again after being away for many months playing other games and a bit of classic WoW. Still not sure what I want to main in Dragonflight. Leaning towards hunter because that’s been my main since WOTLK but I also really enjoy mage and balance druid. I’ve also wanted to learn to heal, but I always get so nervous about messing up and causing others to die that I give up on it.