[A]<The Shadow Vault>: DK RP (1/8M)

The Shadow Vault is a group for death knights stationed at the Ebon Blade base of the same name in Icecrown. Most of our roleplay occurs in Northrend.

At our core we are an Alliance-side guild, but with the magic of communities and the Cross RP addon, we are happy to invite Horde characters to our events. A corpse is a corpse!

Our goals (IC):

● To execute the orders of the (npc) Deathlord.
● To continue to purge Azeroth of the restless remnants of the Scourge and the Cult of the Damned.
● To maintain diplomatic relations between the Knights of the Ebon Blade and the Alliance and Horde.

We are neither good nor evil and recognize the value of our allies. We do what the living cannot, whether they agree with it or not -- but we don't cause trouble unless the threat to our ties is worth it.

Our goals (OOC):

● To provide a friendly home for death knight roleplayers, and to help repair the poor reputation held by death knight roleplay on the server.
● To function as a reliable, neutral Ebon Blade presence for others to refer to when they need contact with the faction.
● To create and foster roleplay on Wyrmrest Accord related to DKs, the Scourge, the Cult of the Damned, etc.
● To provide assistance for new and leveling Death Knights with questing, dungeons, and learning the class.

This is not a class-restricted guild! We welcome any living characters who have an interest in associating with the Knights of the Ebon Blade: family, diplomats, researchers, historians-- any curious minds who can stand the smell. :)


Specializations and Professions

Characters are not required to pursue any of these, but it provides a platform for you to need others and others to need you!

Reavers - Your horrifying death machine soldier knight.
Darkriders - Scouts and aerial support.
Shadowmender - Supportive necromancy / spellcasting.

Archivists - Librarians and curators. Our unliving Google machines.
Fleshcrafter - Our doctors who repair and maintain undead flesh.
Plaguebrewers - Masters of potions for zombies and blight-herbalism.
Runesmiths - Seek to know everything about every rune and array. Like a lawyer, they're good to know.
Quartermaster - Keep track of our supplies and handle supply requests. This person is probably organized.
Instructor - Train new death knights.

You can see a prettier explanation with more details on these here: tinyurl.com/TSVspecs


Cult of the Damned

Cult of the Damned characters are also welcome: friends and guildies OOC, enemies IC.

Read more here: http://theshadowvault.weebly.com/cult-of-the-damned.html


Casual PvE (Alliance / guild only!)

We enjoy casual PvE (H raiding & mythic+ dungeons). We are primarily a RP group, so we are very beginner-friendly and prefer to do lighter content to be more inclusive. Our goal is to enjoy raid time as a stress-free social activity for the guild to do something together outside of RP. We endeavor to obtain AotC every tier and have been successful since we started in HFC.

Current progression: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/wyrmrest-accord/The+Shadow+Vault

What to expect:

● Unscheduled Mythic+ groups forming through the week
● Progression 3 total hours 1 night a week (Saturday 5-8 PM ST).
● Optional fun/pug night for easier raid content (e.g. Normal) on Fridays at 5 PM ST.


Miscellaneous notes:

● This is not a military guild. (Our focus is character development).
● The guild is an OOC construct, as we are not ICly a group called 'The Shadow Vault'. We simply represent some of the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
● We strive to maintain a good reputation and are somewhat strict regarding characters and play being lore-abiding. We do not support the notions of death knight pregnancy, death knight copulation, death knights who somehow became alive again, death knights who make trouble in major cities, etc. (See website for more).
● We maintain a friendly, drama-free atmosphere and do not tolerate members who troll or harass anyone else on the server. There is no age restriction but we happen to mostly be adults.
● As a medium RP guild, all event attendance is 100% optional.

Old thread: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6412401825#1

Guild website with more info: tinyurl.com/theshadowvault

Discord: https://discord.gg/Ms3cNJT

Community: https://blizzard.com/invite/M4veewmhvpr

Please friend Evelyne#1179 to request guild membership.

Suffer well! :)