Greetings my fellow noble and valorous Alliance sisters & brothers. I send a word of greeting and an extended shield to lend to your personal efforts. We are building a place for all who have crossed The Dream to find adventure and perhaps fame & fortune, but most assuredly friendship. Path of The Righteous (PoTR) will be a warm home for all. We will form a family and shall stand tall (gnomes as well) to lend assistance to any alliance member in need! All levels, skills, classes, and roles are welcome. Are you an AH Warrior? Come join! Perhaps you prefer to make your stand on the Battle Grounds? Join our Kill Squad! Looking for that elusive item that just won’t drop? Now you have some folks eager to lend a hand on your mighty quest! Perhaps you are Just looking to chat on a lonely night while farming that elusive mount? We have ears and tranq darts at the ready to help & our Discord Channel will be set up soon! Let us build a fireside chat to plan or next assault! Camaraderie and fun shall find you within this close knit family unit! All brother & sisters welcomed, even third cousins twice removed! Simply step forward and show respect to all. Weekly events will be sponsored which will range from random RP events to Raids. For any questions please feel free to reach out to via in-game mail. We hope this message finds each of you in good spirits and health. Take care & be well!
Warm Regards,
-" “The Light shall guide us, but it will take The Righteous to clear a path!”