[A] <The Order> Returns When?

The Horde better be prepared to get sent to the Shadowlands early when the prepatch event drops.

Do you enjoy getting zerged, with no gear, and laughing about it? Join up today or message anyone in game to get an inv.


<3 himanshu for life

UwU :3 hehe

Gonna have to look into it

join ~ us~

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The fastest growing and most active guild on Alliance.

Looking for a bunch of people to do a bunch of stuff with? Like smacking hordies till ur eyes hurt? Well join The Order today!!! For all your pvp needs …

This ad was not endorsed by Danterious and is soley the opinion of Airiss of the nightfall, no horde characters were hurt during the creation of this ad…:wink:

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A man either lives life as it happens to him, meets it head-on and licks it, or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away…

Maybe we weren’t meant for paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through, struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way…

They used to say that if Man was meant to fly, he’d have wings. But he did fly. He discovered he had to…

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

Contact us today!

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My heart is worth like, at least 20. Man

Nice transmog.

bumping this thread uwu

One of us, one of us…jk everybody…looking to have a blast? Check us out on your local trade chat in between all those pesky trolls going back n forth over this or that, or ask any player to grab u somebody that can inv. Come join Today!

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feelsgoodman bump

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Dying to a full Terran Empire raid in Elwynn stuck in a bladestorm because the lag is horrendous though?

feelsbadman bump

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First Alliance toon since I began playing (started around MoP). I’ll make sure to bookmark this topic to check back once I reach level 50.

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Sure thing, let me know if you have any questions!

Prepatch sucks but join us anyway

Iv got a question,
Do you like pvp? Some pve? Social events and other sorts or wacky entertainment?? If you do join The Order today!!

Join or die