[A] <The Lion's Bulwark> 1/8M Weekend Raids

Updated 09/30/2018

About The Lion's Bulwark


The majority of our players are in their twenties and play WoW to supplement their busy lives. Outside of WoW we play a number of other games, and we're always looking for more people to hang out on Discord with us!

Outside of raiding we actively run M+ dungeons throughout the week, venture into organized PvP/Warmode, and explore all of the new content BfA has to offer.

Why Choose The Lion's Bulwark?

Because you want to be a part of a community of friendly, engaged players! We intend to never stray from our 2 night a week, weekend raiding schedule. This allows us to accommodate a wide array of skilled players that may have 9 – 5 jobs, are currently studying, have families, or do not wish to raid on weekdays/late at night.

Our ultimate goal is to have a large community of players so that raids can happen routinely every week and guild members have no difficulty finding others to form Mythic+/other groups with.

Raid Times:
Saturdays and Sundays from 5:00PM - 8:00PM CST.

8/8H 1/8M

BFA-Raiding Recruitment Needs:

Recruitment needs are most actively updated on our website.

Ranged DPS: Mage/Warlock Preferred (High Priority)
Flex healers (Low Priority)

BFA-M+ Recruitment Needs:
TANKS! Please more tanks for M+

PvP Recruitment:
We are looking for an experienced RBG team leader - if you are looking for a team to lead, we have the people, just need the leader!

RP Theme

<The Lion’s Bulwark> is an offshoot from the Alliance military whose primary function is to serve as a rapid deployment force/strike team. While we are definitely military focused, we do not insist that our members be run-of-the-mill soldiers. As an independent military force, we value individuality in our members' personalities and equipment so long as they stick to the chain of command in matters of war. Our RP component does not only accept soldiers, as there are many other trades/specialties that are useful to our goals and objectives. Outside of battle, the Lions also engage in a few entrepreneurial enterprises, including the management of a tavern that doubles as our base of operations.

Events will be a mix of hosting tavern RP nights and participation in RPPvP/WPvP against the Horde.

RP Story

The founding members of the Lion's Bulwark first met while recovering from the events of the Broken Shore. The failure of this assault, and the Horde's perceived betrayal, lead many operatives to doubt the efficacy of the Alliance's military leadership. While their loyalty and devotion to the Alliance was without question, they began to consider the superfluous nature of its military leadership to be its biggest weakness. These members began to hold discussions where they shared their opinions on the leadership decisions, the war against the Legion, and future relations between the Horde and Alliance.

Following the burning of Teldrassil, these discussions gradually transitioned into secret meetings that lead to the formation of an armed force totally independent from the Alliance military. The events that lead to this disaster solidified the doubts they held over the efficacy of the Alliance military's intelligence apparatus, as well as its decision making capabilities. The members began to understand that the wars to come would severely strain the Alliance, and that to truly serve it they would need to do so on their own terms. With this in mind, they took it upon themselves to draft a special task force dedicated to the protection of Alliance interests, whether that be through the defense of Alliance civilians or the outright destruction of the Horde and its allies.

Contact Details:

If you think that you may be a good fit for our guild, please contact:

Myself (Guild Master) - OptimusPrime#1854

Vaantik (Officer) - Crater#1571

Spades (Guild Chef) - Lass#1756

We are always looking for RPPvP opportunities, please reach out to me via Battle.net if you have an event that you would like for us to attend.
My peoples.
We da bes, come join us
Bump ;)
06/10/2018 07:47 AMPosted by Aerten
Bump ;)
don't wink at me
A crummy raft approaches from the distance and a young red haired woman accompanied by her Corgi companion disembarks on the shore

Hello! I just wanted to hop in to say hi! You seem like a lovely bunch.
plz join
06/10/2018 02:55 PMPosted by Pancaked
A crummy raft approaches from the distance and a young red haired woman accompanied by her Corgi companion disembarks on the shore

Hello! I just wanted to hop in to say hi! You seem like a lovely bunch.

Thanks! You guys seem like a nice bunch of salty sea doggos.
Hey! I've been looking for a weekend raiding guild this upcoming expansion. I'm a returning player who was last active in WotLK. I don't have the most extensive raiding history, however, I want to improve and become a valued member of whatever team I end up on.

Where does your guild have its sights set in BfA? I'm hoping to achieve heroic to mythic progression in raiding =) I'll likely be playing a mage and/or warrior.
Hey you guys still recruiting? Im currently specced as a Tank pally but I plan to main Ret and secondary Prot. Let me know!
06/19/2018 06:53 AMPosted by Tyradael
Hey! I've been looking for a weekend raiding guild this upcoming expansion. I'm a returning player who was last active in WotLK. I don't have the most extensive raiding history, however, I want to improve and become a valued member of whatever team I end up on.

Where does your guild have its sights set in BfA? I'm hoping to achieve heroic to mythic progression in raiding =) I'll likely be playing a mage and/or warrior.

Hi! Sorry for the late response. We currently only have our sights on heroic progression in BFA, but if we get the numbers we're definitely interested in Mythic as well. Experience is no issue at all as long as you're willing to grow with us. Feel free to hit me up at my battletag (OptimusPrime#1854)
06/26/2018 09:47 PMPosted by Valomar
Hey you guys still recruiting? Im currently specced as a Tank pally but I plan to main Ret and secondary Prot. Let me know!

We're still recruiting and a ret paladin would be a great fit! I'll be online this afternoon/evening if you'd like to talk about this more.
Looking for more fine souls to join us in BFA!
I'm coming back for BFA after about a year off, looking to join up with a crew that doesn't mind a 'hardcore' player with a casual schedule allowance. I've typically played healing classes (Paladin, Priest, Shaman), but have also dabbled in tanking (warrior) and pure dps (Hunter/Mage). Not quite sure what I'm going to main for BFA, currently working on unlocking the allied races and will probably level a new character then.

All that being said, I'll likely level a DPS and a healer to 120, and would be happy to fill in for some normal/heroic raids as needed and as I'm available. Feel free to add me, I'll be on my shaman (tossintotems) exclusively until I finish unlocking the new races.
07/05/2018 11:56 AMPosted by Tossintotems
I'm coming back for BFA after about a year off, looking to join up with a crew that doesn't mind a 'hardcore' player with a casual schedule allowance. I've typically played healing classes (Paladin, Priest, Shaman), but have also dabbled in tanking (warrior) and pure dps (Hunter/Mage). Not quite sure what I'm going to main for BFA, currently working on unlocking the allied races and will probably level a new character then.

All that being said, I'll likely level a DPS and a healer to 120, and would be happy to fill in for some normal/heroic raids as needed and as I'm available. Feel free to add me, I'll be on my shaman (tossintotems) exclusively until I finish unlocking the new races.

Awesome! One of us will try and reach out to you sometime this afternoon/evening.
We're still looking for DPS players and possibly a healer.