[A] <The King's Guard> Recruiting a fury warr x1

<The King’s Guard>

is an Oceanic, progression guild for friendly, mature players.

We enjoy raiding, guild dungeon runs, helping each other out, and adventuring together. Our current raiding focus includes weekly clears of AQ40, BWL, MC and Onyxia’s Lair, as well as more casual and frequent AQ20/ZG runs.

We also have a strong PvP cohort.

We have an understanding that the game is balanced around real-life commitments such as work and family and cater to all levels of participation.

What are our Expectations?

That you have a decent, mature attitude towards everyone on our server. That you are willing to overlook mistakes and offer to help and support other players wherever you can. This is about community and friendship.

Raiding times

Friday nights - currently AQ40 ( on farm ) 7:30-10:30 server time.
Saturday nights - currently BWL & Ony 7:30-9:00 server time.
Tuesday nights - MC PUG night
(AQ20 & ZG is done when ever off reset)

Loot rules (loot council main raids)

Loot is distributed fairly in consultation with Officers and Class leads with a prio class list. MS>OS. We hope to avoid loot drama by instilling in everyone a mature, supportive approach to raiding, and encouraging a team spirit for progression. The guild council can override looting priorities, but it will only ever be with the guild’s best interests in mind.


Fury warr x1

We are also currently recruiting Social Members for our non-progression raids: Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, ZG, and AQ20…

Although you will not be initially recruited to join our AQ40 raid team, there is still a chance that you will be invited or recruited to join the main raid team. However, we cannot guarantee a raid position on the current phase of our progression.

Again, you are welcome to sign up and attend farmed content…

Tell us about yourself here p9nwbH5 or message, Ranka, Ducia ingame

Come join in on the fun!