[A] <The Guard> Recruiting for DF CE Mythic Raiding and S4 Fated Raids (2-day, Tues & Thurs)

Are you a returning player from a hiatus? An Alliance player looking for high end mythic raiding? A horde wanting to return to the Alliance with cross faction play available now? Are you looking for a based guild, then look no further we are the place for you.

About Us
We are known for being one of the top PvP institutions on Emerald Dream. We are expanding our roster to incorporate PvE Semi-hardcore Mythic Cutting Edge Raid progression on a 2-day schedule. In order to do so we have brought onboard a team of Cutting Edge experienced Mythic leaders with CE experience ranging from U.S. 50 to 300; to guide and lead the Mythic raid team. We will be recruiting for semi-casual season 4 PvE ventures and Dragonflight mythic cutting edge raiding. While also continuing the status quo of arena, wpvp, and RBG teams.

CE: Xavius, Gul’dan, KJ, Helya, Argus, G’huun, N’zoth, Denathrius.

Our plan for Dragonflight
We plan to have semi-casual PvE activity in The Guard such as; Aotc Fated raids, and High IO M+ farming/pushing. As well as continued PvP presence in arena, rbg, and wargames. During this time our new Mythic leaders will begin gauging interest of trial candidates and doing the ground work behind the scenes to prepare for Dragonflight Cutting Edge mythic raiding.

Mythic Raid Schedule
Tuesday & Thursday 7-10 cst (8-11est / 5-8pst)

We are currently recruiting all classes and specs.

Contact US
Guild Master / PvP Team-

Basedgodbm#1872 (bnet), Basedgodbm#7164 (discord)

Mythic Team-

Vampt#1932 (bnet), Vampt#9731 (discord)

Bump for an awesome guild.


Recruiting for Dragonflight Mythic CE and Casual Fated raids! Fated CN cleared.

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Looking for CE and casual raiders! Also recruiting High IO M+ pushers.

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293 resto shaman looking for a Mythic raid team! fatalfeniix#1753 is discord!

I’m trying to add your discord but keep getting error messages. Can you double check your discord that you posted, etc. Or you can add me Vampt#9731 discord, Vampt#1932 bnet