[A] The Dusky Lumps 11/12M Tues/Thurs 8PM-11PM



Tues/Thur 8:00PM-11:00PM(EST)

Ny’alotha - 12/12H 11/12M

As we are making our final CE push, we are interested in bringing in a few exceptional players that would like to finish out this expansion strong. Current CE raiders that are interested in joining us for Shadowlands are preferred. Any raider with relevant Mythic N’Zoth experience (and logs to show it) will be considered however. We have added in an extra raid day until pre-patch drops, and we currently run Sunday 8-11PM EST on top of our normal Tues/Thurs schedule.

We’re an active adult guild on Stormrage rostered with a bunch of great folks and a handful of goats. We are active in M+, Arenas, Mythic raids, Heroic raids, Gurubashi debauchery, and lots of non-WoW activities.

We are lighthearted, enjoy busting on eachother, but we do so with respect… when it comes to raiding, we make things happen, and we never miss an opportunity to harass our Warriors or make a joke about Jaseraph’s mother. We also tend to play games outside of WoW together when the opportunity arises.

Drama of any kind will not be tolerated. You will be strung up and inflammatory comments will be made til you beg for senpai.

We run M+ regularly, we welcome alts and off-specs to help fill these groups. Several members enjoy pushing keys, and we have some folks that run the arena squadron.

Always recruiting exceptional players
We are trialing all class/roles (aside from tanks) to be considered for our mythic raid team in Shadowlands.

What we expect from you:

Don’t be boring. If you are, at least be forgettable.
Maintain good raid attendance (barring emergencies).
If you cannot make raid please post to communicate.
Come prepared and on-time.
Have a reliable connection/computer.
Communicate what you want/expect from the guild.
Have a good attitude in raid and out.
We do not carry people through raids, Lyftz is heavy enough.
We “function” with a “one team, one goal” mentality.

Please contact me on Discord:

Or on BNet: