In anticipation of the announced server merger on 9/10/2020 with Frostmane, Ner’zhul, and Tortheldrin, we are looking forward to joining the community on Cenarius.
The Art of War (12/12M) is actively recruiting for Shadowlands.
Guild Information
The Art of War has been active on Frostmane since Burning Crusade. Our guild is a pretty close knit community, as many of us are friends in real life, and we are always looking to grow our ranks. We achieved our CE kill on Mythic N’zoth on July 29, 2020 and are now focusing on preparing for Shadowlands, so recruitment is now open to any and all players and classes at this time.
Raid Schedule
Tuesday and Wednesday, 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM Pacific Standard Time.
Despite only raiding for six hours a week, one of our primary goals has been to maintain solid PvE progress while only raiding on a limited time schedule - so while our hours may be casual, our expectations are not and we work hard to progress through all the raid content at a high level of performance.
That said, more recently we’ve discovered that the most important thing, the thing that keeps us coming back every week, is to hang out with a great group of people while playing a game we all enjoy. For that reason, while we still progress on Mythic content, our focus is and will remain on developing and maintaining a solid group of friends playing together instead of sacrificing those things in the name of progression.
If you’re interested in learning more, please contact me at Btag Koiga#1348 or on Discord at Koiga#8447.