< TESTAMENT > Alliance = A friendly forming Heroic/Mythic Raiding guild. Our goal for every raid is to have AOTC and some Mythic boss progression while maintaining a positive, fun and friendly atmosphere. Even if you don’t have much experience with the game, we can help if you want to learn. Many of our members are in guild/discord chat throughout the day and evening. On off days many of our members are doing Mythic+ both lower and higher keys, island expeditions, warfronts and WQ / Dailies while hanging out in discord talking and listening to music. Many of our players in the guild have played the game since 2006 and have played along-side each other since 2009. We are even starting a Mythic+ team to compete in the World of Warcraft’s Mythic Dungeon Invitational.
We are just starting our group so we have spots open. Our Raid Days/Times are: Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30pm - 12:30pm est / 8:30pm-11:30pm cst / 6:30pm-9:30pm pst
We are on US Vek’nilash connected to US Nesingwary and US Nazgrel ( Do you have to join the guild to join in our fun? Nope not at all )
What We are looking for :
Dependable Tank (1) and Healers (2)
Dps = BM hunter, Warlock, Mage, S Priest
Melee = DH, Dk, rogue
M+ Players with a priority on Healers is also what we are looking for.
Dependable players with good attitudes, raiders and casual players alike. Players who are looking for a long term guild to call HOME/FAMILY and enjoy both the game content and experience along with the social aspect of the game.
We are a laid back drama free adult guild and we work well together, but there is always room at our table for more family.
GM- Battletag Mora#1764
Discord Moraveck#0853