[A] <Temporary Skills> Recruitment!

Hello there! Are you struggling to find a group to run with? Maybe not getting into keys because of your io or gear? Maybe you just wanna raid and push content! WELL HAVE I GOT A PLACE FOR YOU! Here at Temporary Skills, we have a place for you! We like to have fun while also pushing content. We are currently looking for all roles. We are PvE focused but some to pvp/rp (besides ive been known to stroll thru the streets to watch events). We are small but hoping to expand our base of friends! Discord is included in your package( Can sometimes be R rated) as well as some half eaten lock cookies and a ham bone! We will be starting Nya’lotha once we get enough members. So come check us out or hit me up on real id! My tag is Rooster#12864. Love,Peace,and Goldshire grease! :smiley:

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I’m gonna chime in here and say that there are some truly awesome people in this guild. I’m super glad I’m a part of it.

bump! We are still looking for friends! :grinning:

Bump! Still looking for friends!

If interested, contact me on Discord: CanadianYankee#4971 or BNet: CanadianYank#1401.

Bumping for great justice-y fun!

It was great chatting with you! Looking forward to joining the guild tomorrow and healing y’all soon