[A] <Tegridy Farms> 53/54 & 50/50 5/5H Recruiting Tues/Wed 25m

Summary: Tegridy Farms is a 53/54 & 50/50 5/5H Semi-Hardcore guild seeking Ranged DPS for Tuesday/Wednesday raiding, 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM.

About us:

originally formed on Sulfuras during the WotLK launch and is comprised of a core group that’s been playing together for 10+ years. Leadership comprised of former end game raiders / raid leads (several with a past life in the arena, 2.2k+ PVP exp). Our name is a reference to a special farm from the television show South Park. We’re a bit older and don’t mind a bit of intoxication on days that end with y.

Raid info:

  • We keep a relatively relaxed raid environment, and we value efficiency more than comedy (but not much more…)
  • We assign loot via a Loot Council composed of the Officer core and Role Leads, primarily based off BiS lists and raid performance.
  • 25 man raids will be Tuesday & Wednesday, 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST
  • 10 mans are Pop-Up throughout the week, typically Thursday, Friday, and a Weekend or Monday run. 10m are usually MS>OS or SR


Tanks: None main spec, but a DPS with Off spec tank is welcome!

Healers: None

DPS: All classes are welcome for trial or bench (we always have 1-2 spots needing to be filled), currently in need of a Combat Rogue.

Trial Process:

Typically a two (2) week trial for new members seeking a permanent (core) raid slot. This is primarily a window for us to get to know each other (there are slight loot restrictions during the trial period on highly contested gear).

While we don’t run a large bench, we’re always interested in exceptional players looking to find a new home. If your class isn’t listed, but Tegridy sounds like a place you’d like to call home, please still consider reaching out.

Please do not hesitate to contact Zerkxo (Zerkxo#1566), Sayorii, Relegated or Miziya in game if you have any questions or are interested in or comment on this thread.

We are still actively looking for solid bench players and potential ranged core spots moving forward. If interested, feel free to reach out or reply to this thread!